Department of Agricultural Extension

The department of agricultural extension janta vedic college, baraut, baghpat affiliated to c.c.s. university, meerut, is one of the very old and leading department in the country. The M. Sc. (Ag) (Agricultural Extension) was started in 1964 at this college. Shri Harisaran Das was the founder head of the department. Later on Dr. B.S. Arya , Shri Gajraj Singh, Dr. Ummed Singh took over this position and presently Dr. Gajendra Pratap Singh is head of this department. The department has primary responsibility for teaching, research and extension with well equipped laboratories and experimental area for under graduation, post graduation and doctorate (Ph. D.) programme. The department has distinguished faculty with strong and excellence teaching with the support of audio-video aids.

The faculty in the department is actively involved in research and regular self-impoverment activities through consulting new books, journals and use of internet facilities. all staff are fully devoted to students. In addition to class room teaching, faculties guide the students through tutor-ward system, spare time in department other than time table, and attend all telephonic quarries of the students and related person.
Currently faculty of this department is engaged in teaching B.Sc. (Ag.) and M.Sc. (Ag) classes; supervising thesis/dissertation at P.G. and research at Ph.D. level; writing scientific articles and research papers and abstracts, text and reference books; and awakening awareness in public through organizing farmer fair; demonstration, socio-economic survey of village, exhibition and publishing news of public interest in various new papers and increasing level of knowledge through taking membership of various professional bodies and participating in training, workshops, seminars, conferences and symposia.


Master Degree Programme (M.Sc. Ag.)
This is a 2-year / 4-semester programme. The courses offered in M.Sc Statistics include:

Semester I:
J-1004:Fundamentals of Bio Statistics and Computer Application
J-1051:Fundamentals of Extension Education
J-1052:Extension Techniques and Audio Video Aids
J-1053:Rural Sociology :
J-1055:Practical, Based on above courses

Semester II:
J-2004:Statistical Methods in Agriculture
J-2051:Communication Techniques
J-2052:Psychology of Human Behaviour
J-2053:Research Methods
J-2055:Practical- Based on above courses

Semester III:
J-3051:Diffusion and adoption of innovations
J-3052:Extension Management
J-3053:Rural Welfare Programmes
J-3054:Extension Administration and Supervision
J-3055:Practical – Based on above courses

Semester IV:
J-4051:Programme Planning and Evaluation
J-4052:Agril. Journalism and Mass Communication
J-4053:Disaster Management
J-4054:Training for Development
J-4055:Practical – Based on above courses

Bachlor Degree Programme (B.Sc. Ag.)
This is a 4-year / 8-semester programme. The courses offered in B.Sc(Ag) include:

Semester I:
Rural sociology and educational psychology.

Semester II:
Fundamentals of extension education and rural development.

Semester VI:
Communication, diffusion of agricultural innovation.

Semester VII:
Rural agricultural work experience.

1 Dr. G.P. Singh Reader & Head Ph.D Extension Education, Rural Sociology
2 Dr. L.K. Singh Associate Professor M.Sc (Ag), Ph. D., Extension Education and Rural Sociology
3 ASHOK KUMAR GAUTAM Assistant Professor M.Sc (Ag), NET.,
4 Ravi Shankar Assistant Professor M.Sc (Ag), NET.,