The Department of Agronomy is one of the oldest departments of the College and was established in 1956 at degree level and later on it was upgraded at PG level during 1961. Dr. Har Pal Singh was the first Head of this department w.e.f. 9.7.1960 to 31.7.1963. After that Dr. Mahak Singh was appointed as Head of the Department on 1.8.1963and remained upto 30.6.1999. Later on Dr. Ram Niwas, Dr. H.P. Singh, Dr. Antar Pal, and Dr. Om Prakash have remained as the Head of department. At present Dr. Om Pal Singh is working as Head of the department w.e.f 27.10.2005. Since then, the Department of Agronomy actively participated in the Teaching & Research. Teaching and Research has always been important parts of the academic activities.

Class room, Laboratory, Museum and Library :
There are separate class rooms for M. Sc. (Ag) I Sem. & Sem. III and for BSc(Ag) classes. The Department has two lecture room and seminar cum lecture room. One well arranged museum containing seeds of different crops and varieties, manures & fertilizers, fungicides insecticides and herbicides. Besides this, there is a separate Departmental library for students of P.G. classes. It contains 1140 books of national and international levels.

Computer Facility:
The department has computer facility for the faculty, P.G. and research students with Wi-FI Internet connection. There is a back up of inverter of 3.5 KVA and a 7.5 KVA generator in case of power breakdown.

All necessary and routine equipments for teaching and research viz Chlorimeter, Centrifuge, Conductivity bridge, Computer, Analytical balance,Anemometer, Auger, Dumpy level, Digital Top loading balance, Electronics Disc Calculator Moscal-01402, Flame Photometer, Gas Generator, Flame Photometer with compressive system, Gypsum block with Soil moisture meter, Incubator, Infrometer, Kjeldahl Digestion and Distillation operation complete, Levelling staff, Moisture meter, Maize sheller, Oven TV-30 model , pH meter, Parshell Flume, PotatoDigger, Pulverizer, Penetrometer,Printer, Refctometer, Seed Germinator, Tensiometer, Vernier Calliper, Voltage Transformer, Measuring Chains, Hot air oven, Planimeter,Thermometer, Hand Compressor sprayer, Sacchrometer, Grinding Mill, Sprayers and Dusters, Muffle furnisher, Estivenson screen, Over Head Projector, Projection screen, UPS & Spectrometer are present and regularly used.

Excursions and Tours:
Excursions are under taken to create the interest among the students for practical approach of the subject. These programme are also part of P.G. courses to acquaint the students with latest know-how and dimensions in the field of Agronomy. These tour programmes are arranged to GBPUAT Pant Nagar, SVBPUAT Modipuram, IARI, New Delhi, CCSHAU Hissar and CSWCRTI, Dehradun to enrich the students about practical approach in the subject.

The Department of Agronomy of this College has always been as active centre of research. The first Ph.d. degree was awarded to Dr. Antar Pal in 1976 under supervision of Dr. Ram Niwas. Since then, the trend is continued. Seminar organized –A national Seminar on Teaching Agronomy was organized by the Department of Agronomy during 1977 in collaboration with Indian Society of Agronomy New Delhi. The seminar was sponsored by ICAR, New Delhi.

ICAR Research Award
The prestigious Jawahar Lal Nehru Research award on his out-standing research work was given to Dr. Ram Niwas in 1977 by ICAR on the topi “ Yield water relations, allocation of scarce water to cereals, pulses and oilseed crops”

ICAR Award on Publications
Dr. Rajendra Prasad Award was given to Dr. Om Prakash by ICAR on writing a book on” Principles of Agronomy and Field Crops” during 1987.

Courses offered at P.G. level(w.e.f Academic Session. 2010-11)

Semester I
Code Course
J-1004 Biostatistics & Computer application
J-1005 Modern Concept in Crop Production
J-1006 Field Crops - I
J-1007 Management of Problem Soils
J-505 Practical

Semester II
Code Course
J-2004 Principles and Practices of Water Management
J-2005 Soil Fertility and Fertilizer uses
J-2006 Rabi Crops
J-2007 Statistical Methods in Agriculture
J-605 Practical

Semester III
Code Course
J-3005 Soil Conservation and Water Management
J-3006 Advanced weed Management
J-3007 Agronomy of Forage, Fodder, Medicinal & Aromatic Crops
J-3008 Organic Farming
J-705 Practical

Semester IV
Code Course
J-4005 Sustainable Agriculture
J-4006 Dry Land Agriculture
J-4007 Crop Ecology and Geography
J-4008 Seed Production Agronomy
J-805 Practical
J-Thesis (Optional)

Courses offered at UG Level( w.e.f.Academic Session 2011-12)

C-ll Principles of Agronomy
C-Vl Agriculture meteorology

C-l Irrigation and water management

C-V Cereals , millets and pulses (Field crops –kharif crops)
C-lV Environmental Science & Agro ecology
C-VIII Practical Crop Production

C-I Oil Seeds, Commercial Crops (Field Crops II -Rabi Crops)
C-III Principles of Soil Physics and Conservation

C-V Weed Management

Sem- VI
C-IV Farming System, Sustainable Agriculture
Crop Planning and Farm Management

Sem- VII
Rural Agriculture work experience. All Departments related in field. (RAWE)

C-I Rainfed Agriculture-Dry Land Farming and Watershed Management (ICAR).
C-II Silviculture, Agro –forestry and Special forestry.

1 Dr. Jaibir Tomar Associate Professor & Head M.Sc (Ag) Agro, Ph.D Weed Science (M.Sc. (Ag.) and Ph.D. both)
2 Dr. Tejveer Singh Tomar Assistant Professor M.Sc (Ag) Agro, Ph.D Agronomy
3 LT. Dr. Vijay Pal Assistant Professor & Lieutenant (ANO NCC) Msc.(Ag) Agronomy, NET, Ph.D Cropping system, Tillage, Mulching, soil fertility
4 Dr. Savita Tomar Assistant Professor M.Sc (Ag) Agro, Ph.D Agronomy
5 Dr. Raghuraj Singh Assistant Professor NET,Ph.D.
6 Sachin Singh Assistant Professor M.Sc (Ag), NET.,